Saturday, January 22, 2005


"The only constant is change" - I can't remember the original author

I am always changing, sometimes more than others, but none the less always in transition. I recently read Journey of Desire and it speaks to the concept of what we're changing toward - what God has planned for us. I recommend the book if you have time. The way he portrays Heaven is encouraging.

During a spat of boredom this morning I was flipping back through some of my old journal entries and blogs. - I do this from time to time as a way to reflect on decisions I've made and how God has worked in my life. I also use it as a basic memory tool. Unfortunately, I have one of the worst memories in history, which lets me forget some of the richest details that have shaped my path.

When I was browsing through it almost felt like I was reading about someone else. That is how far removed I have become from my own thoughts in just a few months. Even my writing style is different this month. If you have a bored moment you might check out a few post from Oct.; undoubtedly you will notice a difference as well.

- How have I changed so much and so quickly? - I am still "me", but a different version of myself. Better? Worse? ???? I feel both.

I was going through a lot of different emotions when I first moved to St. Louis in August. Consequently I spent a lot of time in solitude. This is reflected in my writing, which seems to be speaking from a much deeper part of myself.

"Change is ..... to give up what we are ........ to become what we could be."

Perhaps, I haven't changed that much, instead maybe I am just thinking on and speaking from a different level of consciousness. Either way,
I am not sure if I am satisfied with the difference. Why am I not fully expressing myself lately? I am not reflecting on things in the same way that I was only a short time ago. In an odd way this is very upsetting.

I need to remember that a relationship with God is similar to human realtionships - they both take effort.

I confess that something has been lacking from my time with God lately. Just this morning, right after quiet time, I thought to myself, "Shelly you really didn't spend time with God this morning. Did you think of ways to apply what you read in your life? Did you earnestly pray about the desires of your heart, loved ones, and His will? Did you listen for what He has to say to you?" - "no." Well, there is my answer. The difference is always God.

Yep. This is why I love journals - they help me think clearly. (Even if they aren't written clearly ;o)

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." ~ Mt. 6:33


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