Friday, November 26, 2004


Yesterday was the first holiday I've ever spent away from my family. It was strange, but not as sad as I thought it would be. This is mostly thanks to my good friend Lewis. She invited me to spend the holiday with her and her family, which was wonderful. Good food, great people, and a warm environment - thanks!
After I left her house I went to hang out with some international students from Wash U. - they cooked lamb for the holiday. They had a spread of German, Italian, Chinese, and Turkish foods. All of it was good, but definitely not what I'm used to. After we ate we all sat around and watched a movie (very untraditional thing for me to do on a holiday).
Once I went home and got ready for bed the loneliness hit. See, most of my relatives are night owls so the holiday nights usually consist of all my family hanging out and talking while trying to keep me up with guilt trips etc... (I have always gone to bed before the rest of my family and I usually get up first too. I get this from my biological father, who wakes-up every morning at 4:30). I never thought I would say it, but I really missed the guilt trips last night, they're meant in a really sweet way. I miss my family. They are crazy and unconventional and I love that! I never really appreciated some of the quirks in my family until I moved away for college. They are awesome. My family really knows how to love each other and I am so thankful for that. I can't wait to see them for Christmas. It was weird not to see Tiffany or Monica either; we usually drop by each other's family gatherings at some point during the holidays. They are amazing friends and I love them just as much as my family. I am so blessed!! To feel blessed and sad at the same time doesn't seem right, but that is where I am today.
I guess now I need to work on school stuff - blah.


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