Thursday, February 24, 2005


I am easily moved by music.
Even though the lyrics aren't my own words, they often express exactly how I feel.

Bebo Norman was in concert tonight. The humility and admiration in his songs have an affect on me that is somewhere between praising and crying. I have liked his music and style for years now, but I admit I probably like the latter most. You can just see his heart for God in the way he sings and you can hear it in the lyrics. Nothing is as sexy to me as a man totally sold out for the Lord and truly humble in all that God has blessed him with.

When you listen to someone's music, its almost uncomfortable how well you feel like you know them.
I think I have a thing for musicians, but who doesn't?

I did get to meet Bebo tonight; he signed my shirt. And I bought one for my friend Tiffany - who has been in love with him for years and was barely short of depressed when he announced his marriage. I wanted to wait and surprise her with the shirt, but she called and I couldn't hold it in. We are so giddy when we're together. I am in the middle of a church parking lot jumping with excitement as I tell her that I got some boy (who happens to have a gift for music) to sign an ugly green shirt for her - it was great.

I miss Tiffany. She has been my best friend since 6th grade and she has one of the most beautiful hearts I've ever known. Even though I'm the farthest away that I've ever been, we seem to be closer. I've never lived more than a few blocks away from her. Its strange when we talk on the phone - for those who know me, I am not a big phone person - when I get to the point where I would usually say "just come over", I have to say, "hold on and let me switch ears." At least I'm building up phone tolerance.

Tiff loves music. I mean really loves it - always has. I wasn't much into music growing up, or TV, or anything normal for that matter, kind of makes me laugh at how we became friends.

I do love music now, but I still sing the wrong words, make up my own words, and tend to like things that are a little out of the mainstream.
When I was in 6th grade, I'll never forget, we were on the bus going to an away game. We were all singing to some country song and , of course, I didn't know the words. Being the strange one that I am, I was singing anyway and just making up my own words. One of the other girls started laughing and then said something to me about it. I hardly ever sang in public again until I became a Christian. Its really sad that I let something so small ruin what I enjoyed.

Now I sing the wrong words really loud, and most of the time I change them on purpose. Usually nothing too big or noticeable, just a
we to I here and there. Especially in praise songs, I feels more personal than we. Then of course there are those times when I just flat out don't know the words or sing the wrong verse too early etc..
This happens a lot at DR. I could read the lyrics off the screen, but I like to close my eyes. Everything is magnified when my eyes are shut and it makes it easier to forget that its not just me and God. Even if I did look, I can't decipher any words that far away without my glasses, and I hardly ever wear them.

Now, I love to sing and I could really care less if they are the artists' words or mine. Funny how things change over time. Why did I care back then anyway?
"Make a joyful noise to the lord"


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