Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Long nights

Help, I have insomnia........

I am not able to fall asleep lately and there doesn't seem to be much to do about it. The positive side is that I'm getting a ton of chores and reading done throughout the night. A negative side effect is morning grogginess and procrastination. This morning my alarm went off for almost half an hour before I heard it. This whole situation makes me feel out of sorts.
Since my apartment is sweltering on the third floor and my roommate and I cannot afford to turn on the air conditioning just yet, I was forced to take down the foil from my windows last night in hopes that they are not painted shut. Luckily they are not, however, the screen is broken and I am nervous about being overtaken by bugs - or squirrels.
Ya know, some people have done amazingly creative things while experiencing insomnia...........of course, i realize that my moderate incoherency at this point is a sign that I am not part of those few.
Well, I guess I should attempt getting ready for work. Although, I will admit there is something scary about facing a school of adolescents with severe behavior and emotional difficulties, without a good night's rest and alert thinking. Today should be interesting ;o)


Blogger SBean said...

Thanks for the tips. I'll give them a try ;o)

7:40 AM  

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