Sunday, April 24, 2005

Not perfect

Horrific Speller
Over concerned with what others think
Over analytical
Self conscious

..........but also..........a child of God

Thank God! He redeems me and makes me beautiful.

I try so hard sometimes to be what I think God wants me to be without ever stopping to ask Him. Listening to Him instead of doing all the talking is something I might try. Why do I waste time wondering what others think of my reltaionship with God? Often, I find myself feeling pressured to be perfect as a testament to God. Isn't that stupid!? Not only does it make me feel like an utter failure and incredably weak, it also misses the entire point of God's grace.
The truth is that I am a total screw-up, yet God loves me more than I can fathom. Humility is a testiment to God, not perfection.

Lord, I pray that you humble me gently in your abounding mercy and grace. Let me be renewed in your power and love. Grant me peace of heart and contentment in knowing that your will shall be done. Take my mistakes and weaknesses and mold them into something that will glorify you Father. Thank you for loving me, changing me, and sustaining me.


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