Sunday, October 24, 2004


I feel a little strange this morning. I haven't been sleeping much the past few weeks. I am going to have to return to my usual schedule of bed no later than 11:00PM. I am starting to do what I promised myself i wouldn't. I am getting too busy. i need to have more "me time." The people I've been hanging out with are really awesome, but I miss that time of self-reflection and just "being." Does this mean I'm old? I think I am starting to feel older; I just can't go as much as I used to. Perhaps this is due to how out of shape I am though. Which brings me to my body. I can see a definate change in my body this year and it is most depressing. Thats it! i have decided not to get any older. Wouldn't it be great if that worked?

Well, hopefully, as I am growing up I am gaining wisdom. There is certainly a difference in the 24 year old me and the 22 year old me. Its weird what a difference two years can make. I think a lot of our growth happens during breif but crucial time periods. I guess I would rather feel older and know the things I know now then stay 22 forever.
With every year comes new questions about my life. The things I think about this year are very different from last year. I am blaming most of it on pressure from societal norms, but it is also because of my relationship with God. The two are in constant opposition. The world, pushing depression about what I am running out of time to do and God, teaching me patience, tolerance, and faith. Thank God!

Well, off to church, but first breakfast with Katie Lew. I love Sundays! They are by far my favorite days!


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